Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the homepage of Répcelak which is one of the youngest towns of Hungary. The settlement got city rank in 1st July, 2001. This fact itself gives cause for spending a little time in our town to get to know us better.

Répcelak is a town with almost 3000 inhabitants in the north-eastern part of Vas county but a further 7000 people live in the nearby settlements.

It got its name from the river Répce which flows near the town. The main road No.86 crosses it. It is 40 kms from Szombathely and 65 kms from Gyõr.

It lies in the middle of an imaginary circle where there is no towns within 20 kms. We are not unknown for Hungary or even the world. The highly popular Medve and Karaván cheese is produced in our dairy since a century long and the carbon-dioxide field nearby means the base of soda-water. Soda-water and soda-water siphons are produced here.

Our infrastructural supply is complete and our network of institution is developed. We are extremely proud of the Art section in our primary school and the services of the Community Centre and Library, which are excellent premises of meetings and conferences. In our new Medical House, besides the basic services, several specialist consultings serve the patients.
Taking advantage of the traffic on the main road No.86 we can be proud of our fully developed trade. The artificial dam in Nick, the fishing and water paradise, is only 5 kms far from the town.

Not only the high standard services but also the kindness and hospitality of the inhabitants welcome our visitors. The proof of our hospitality is the 30 thousand flowers planted in the streets. We invite the youngsters to our new town who, in case of settling down here, will get support in getting a flat.

In our Industrial Fair the micro-and medium businessman get different kinds of discounts like cheap territory or support in case of establishing workplaces.

The heavy traffic of the main road No.86 and the charm of the town can give more opportunities for trades and catering establishments to settle down.

According to a study healing thermal water can be found in the surrounding of Répcelak for the exploitation of which we are looking for investors.

On inquiry we put the study at anybody's disposal.

Today the Répcelak Festival is a traditional programme, held in June every year.

It is a 3 days long spectacular row of events containing classical music concerts, folkmusic events and pop music groups, the Répce Expo and some other interesting programme.

Dear visitor! I hope I could arouse your interest with these thoughts.
During your walks in Répcelak you can gain much more experiences.

With regards: Szabó József - Mayor


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